Employees are introduced to health and well-being policies and practices at time of hire.
AgreeEmployee health and well-being policies and practices are enthusiastically promoted across all departments.
AgreeEmployees have the opportunity to participate in physical activities and enjoy healthy eating while at work.
AgreeEmployees are provided access to health education, health screenings, and other health promotion opportunities.
AgreeThere is a staff person(s) who is designated, as part of their job description, to ensure and promote the organization's healthy workplace initiatives
AgreeOur CEO/Management staff is committed to a healthy work environment for their employees.
AgreeMeetings and events have nutritious food and drink choices.
AgreeFundraisers utilizing food have nutritious food and drink choices.
AgreeVending machines have nutritious food choices.
AgreeThere are areas that encourage physical activity.
AgreeThere are safe and attractive outdoor walking paths.
AgreeThere are written policies/guidelines that encourage healthy eating at meetings and events.
AgreeThere are written policies/guidelines that ensure healthy eating options in vending machines and snack areas.
AgreeThere are written policies/guidelines that encourage physical activity.