Youth Citizenship Questionnaire

Adapted from 4H Common Measures

How old are you?

What grade are you in?

Indicate whether you agree or disagree:

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
I enjoy learning about people who are different from me
I can make a difference in my community
I can improve my community through community service
I can help make sure everyone gets an opportunity to say what they think
By serving in my community, I gain skills that will help me in the future
I treat everyone fairly and equally
Plan to continue working on community projects
I feel encouraged to volunteer more

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree:

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
I pay attention to news events that affect my community
I am aware of the important needs of my community
I really care about my community
I talk to my friends about issues affecting my community, state, and world
I'm interested in others' opinions about public issues
I listen to everyone's views whether I agree or not
When I hear about an issue, I try to figure out if they are just telling one side of the story

Indicate whether you agree or disagree:

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
I explore cultural differences
I value learning about other cultures
I respect people from different cultures
I have already learned about people who are different from me

Indicate whether you agree or disagree:

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
I would enjoy hosting someone from another culture
I can contact someone I've never met before to get their help with a problem
I plan to work on projects to better my community
I am encouraged to volunteer more
When I grow up, I will continue to work to better my community
I am interested in a career that helps others
I am interested in working in government (such as school board, parks and rec, legislator, intern, etc.)
When I turn 18, I plan to vote in elections