Green Infrastructure Questionnaire

Storm water, Flooding, and Water Quality

What is your zip code?

Has your current home or property ever been flooded?


When does flooding occur? (Check all that apply)

During severe storms
During heavy rainfall
During moderate rains
During light rains

How worried are you and/or your family when heavy rains are forecast?

Not at all
Slightly worried
Somewhat worried
Very worried
Extremely worried

What do you believe to be the main source of flooding on the property?

In-home water issues
Water backed up
Sump pump failure
Overland flow from river
Clogged culverts
Other (Please specify):

How inconvenienced are you when flooding occurs?

Not at all
A little

Think about the last time it flooded. How did this event affect you and your family?

What were some of the challenges you experienced last time it flooded? (check all that apply)

Displaced from home or business location permanently
Displaced from home or business location temporarily
Experienced minor property damage
Experienced major property damage
Unable to go to work, but retained wages
Unable to go to work, lost wages
Unable to go to school yourself
Unable to go to school (your children)
Unable to travel due to road or transit closure
Experienced trauma or stress
Forced to close business
Disrupted shipping or supply chain logistics
Other (Please specify):

What long-term solutions, if any, have you taken to prevent flooding and/or flood damages on your property? Check all that apply.

Bought flood insurance
Made property infrastructure improvements (i.e. overhead pipes, raised window wells, sump pumps or backup generators)
Installed green infrastructure on property (i.e. rain barrels and rain gardens)
Relocated residence or business
Sealed structure to prevent water from entering
Permanently moved items out of flood-prone areas
Permanently relocated residence or business
Sought a flood-prone property buy out
Sought grant to elevate structure
Elevated structure
None of the above
Other (please specify):

What kind of information do you wish you had before the flood that could have helped keep you safe or reduce damage?

General definitions of flooding and stormwater related terms
How to reduce the amount of water backing up into their basement
How to prevent sump pump failure
How to improve yard grading
Where to find and how to use sandbags
How to report damaged infrastructure
How to gather and report effective insurance claims
How to drain standing water
How to install rain barrels
How to install a sewer plug or standpipe
How to install a rain garden
Install a sump pump
Move things out of the basement / or prop up all items
Disconnect or relocate downspouts
Install a backup power generator
Waterproof the basement
How to install overhead sewers
Safe locations to go to when it floods
How to waterproof my basement walls
How to repair cracks in basement walls or basement floors
How to repair eroded stream banks or how to prevent stream banks from eroding
Where downspouts should be placed and how to move downspouts
Other ______

What kind of methods are you unaware of for reducing the likelihood damage?

How to reduce the amount of water backing up into their basement
How to prevent sump pump failure
How to improve yard grading
Where to find and how to use sandbags
How to report damaged infrastructure
How to gather and report effective insurance claims
How to drain standing water
How to install rain barrels
How to install a sewer plug or standpipe
How to install a rain garden
How to install overhead sewers

Are there any barriers preventing you from taking any of the above actions?

Who do you believe is responsible for reducing flooding in your community?

Private homeowners are responsible for reducing flooding that takes place on their land; government is responsible to reduce flooding on public land
Because flood waters come from publicly owned land and water, the government is responsible
Business and developers who build or develop land are responsible because they changed the landscape
No one is responsible; flooding is an act of nature. It just happens.
Everyone is partially responsible

What weather events are you most concerned about in the future? Check all that apply

High Winds
Extreme Heat
Extreme Cold
Other (please explain):

If your property has experienced flooding, what damages have you incurred? Check all that apply

Water in yard
Water in house or garage
Tree(s) falling over
Earth washing away/erosion of creek bank
Damage to the foundation or walls
Mold from flooding damage
None of the Above
Have not experienced flooding on property
Other ________

What kinds of information do you wish you had to help you recover after the flooding was over?

How to clean up after flooding happens
Mold removal
How to properly dispose of waste
How to pump standing water out of their basement
Where to find information on trusted contractors and repair services
Other __________

Is your home located in a regulatory floodplain?

I don't know

What types of flooding are you concerned about near your property? Check all that apply.

Limited (too few) manhole grates (in the street)
Clogged manhole grates
Storm sewer in the street is too small
Water backing up through basement floor drain
Basement construction or weak foundation
Sump pump failure / power failure
Surface water flooding: Water flowing overland and entering me home through a door, first floor window, garage door, basement window/window well
Groundwater flooding: Water seeping into the structure through cracks in basement wall, or basement floor
Flooding from ordinary watercourses (rivers and streams not designated as "main river" e.g. drains, cuts, culverts, sluices, sewers
River flooding
Sewer backups
Road flooding
Clogged culverts or ditches along the street
Stream bank erosions
Inadequate or malfunctioning levees on the river
Improper / poor grading of my yard
Improper / poor grading of my neighbor's yard
Improper / poor grading of the street or public right-of-way
It's always been this way - there is no 'cause'