During the last 12 months, approximately how many times have members in your household visited [ParkName]?
During the last 12 months, approximately how many times have members in your household utilized the [ParkName] for recreational opportunities?
Are there activities or programs within [ParkName] that you feel should be developed or expanded?
What is preventing you from utilizing recreational opportunities?
Would you volunteer to help with a cleanup project at this location?
YesHow many of the following activities have you participated in at [ParkName] ?
Walking/hikingWhat are your motivations for visiting [ParkName] ?
Exercise & FitnessWhat kind of programs would you like to see offered at the [ParkName]?
What is your gender?
MaleWhat is your age?
18 to 24Please describe your race/ethnicity (check all that apply):.
Asian/Pacific IslanderWould you spend more time in the parks if they were more visually appealing?
YesHow can the community make parks or community spaces more visually appealing?