How do students travel for the trip to school (indicate the number of students for each mode)?
Walk to schoolDoes your school have any school transportation policies, including drop-off and pick-up procedures?
YesIf Yes, please explain
Are students permitted to ride their bikes to school?
YesDoes your school use (Check all that apply):
Crossing guardsAre any school personnel directly involved in managing student arrival and dismissal?
YesWhat problems have you encountered during student arrival and dismissal related to school transportation?
Are you aware of any problem locations in the school vicinity that serve as barriers to walking or bicycling? Please explain.
Does your school utilize the School Safety Busing Program ("Hazard Busing")to transport students who live within 1.5 miles from the school?
YesIf Yes, what are the identified hazards that necessitate this bus service?
Is this school provided with crossing guards?
YesDo you have crash statistics for bicyclists and pedestrians in your community?
YesIf so, how may we obtain them? How recent are the statistics?
Does your town have any plans for improving walking/bicycling infrastructure in the near future?