Community Priorities Questionnaire

Develop informed policies by identifying priorities in your community with this questionnaire template.

Do you think [CountyName] needs any of the following?

Yes No Not Sure
Require building permits for new construction
Require building permits for remodeling of existing buildings
Require building permits for cell towers
Require building permits for wind turbines
Develop and implement guidelines for billboards
Enforcement of building codes for new construction
A zoning ordinance that would create land use districts specifying the type of use to which property may be put in specific areas.
More rigorous enforcement of nuisance ordinances requiring property owners to dispose of junk, abandoned cars, and dilapidated buildings

Please check five areas that reflect your concerns.

Jobs and economic opportunity
Cost of living
Access to health care
Government leadership
Loss of farmland
Protection of natural resources
Quality of streets and roads
Affordable housing
Quality of schools
Government leadership
Non-resident property owners

How would you rate the overall quality of life in [CountyName]?


What are the three biggest problems facing the [CountyName] today?

What are three things you would like to change about [CountyName]?

How much new growth and development do you feel is desirable in [CountyName] over the next five years?

Significant increase (a lot more than we've had in the last five years)
A moderate amount (about the same as in recent years)
A little (slower growth than we've experienced in the last five years)
None (we need to limit new growth)

What are three things that need to be preserved in the future?

What would you like the County to be like in ten years?

Please add any comments, ideas or opinions here:

Do you know how your tax dollars are spent at the government level, which programs are state or federally funded, and which are tax-funded?


Would you be interested in how your taxes are spent at the government level, which programs are state or federally funded, and which are tax-funded?


Would you be interested in finding out how city budgets are formulated?
